Read up to know more on why you should own a backyard pool:-
1. Water is FUN!
This is a no brainer but still you can’t stress enough on the fact that having a private pool in your own backyard is not only comfortable for you but is also actually more fun than going to a public pool where who knows(a rhetoric statement) what kind of germs are flowing in abundance!
Swimming pools especially fibreglass pools (because they have a much smoother finish than concrete thus good for avoiding scrapes while roughing up a little) are safer and more fun for every age group, from hosting backyard beach parties for the teens in the house to pirate based theme parties for the kids;
Having a fibreglass pool allows you to indulge in water based fun activities like water polo without it being an uncomfortable ride to faraway getaways or taking a long leave from the work.
No matter what your age is or the role you are currently playing in life, you should always make the best of the memories with your loved ones and no kid has ever forgotten a good pool time,have they??
2. It’s a Fun way to stay fit!!
Taking a brisk walk or Running on the treadmill are great ways to stay in shape but nothing is better than Swimming when it comes to overall body fitness.
Swimming serves in boosting heart’s muscle strength and requires great stamina, thus serving as one of the most fun workouts.
Swimming also helps in retaining collagen elasticity of skin thus making you look a lot younger and beautiful!!
3.Practice makes EVERYONE Perfect!!
A pool allows its owners to have an easy access and zero time limits to enjoy and learn water sports or indulge in advance level of aquatic skills.
While children should always be supervised in a pool,knowing that they know how to swim takes the edge off.
It’s a proven fact that children with access to pools in their houses have better swimming skills and thus more chances of survival in a life and death situation!!
This applies not only for children but for adults as well, more frequently you swim; less likely it is for you to drown!!
Being a good swimmer doesn’t only ups your survival game but can help you save someone else’s life as well.
4.Gives a sense of tranquility.
Water has a deep calming effect on our senses and is known to soothe and relax.
Sitting by the pool side under the moonlight after a long day at work can actually take away the exhaustion and provide you the much needed break from the hectic life of a workaholic.
Water is known for providing peaceful and serene thoughts to an aggravated mind,not only has it been acknowledged but is actually used in the form of Hydrotherapy as well.
Hydrotherapy has been the talk of the town for a while now and is a great way to relax and meditate.
5. Fibreglass pools are Durable!!
Nobody wants to waste a dime on something that won’t last for a reasonably long period!!
And it’s only fair to expect that from your pool as well.
Swimming pools can be of various types but Fibreglass pools are the most durable ones simply for the fact that they are made up of the composite material of thin glass fibers and polymers,providing them with the durability and texture of both glass and plastic(Way better than concrete,for crying out loud)!!
When it comes to a swimming pool in your backyard, Fibreglass pools are the way to go.